UnitedVoters.ORG is an organization founded by regular American-loving citizens like you! Born from the frustrations that most Americans have felt over the past few generations and this past election in particular. When the political leaders forget that they work for US and OUR interests, and not the other way around... When they begin to govern as if they above the law, it became our duty and responsibility to take control of own destiny. We knew something had to be done, and fast!
The time is NOW for America-loving citizens, to bind together in ACTION! Come join the ONLY organization of united voters, that stands ready to restore the direction of our government to WE THE PEOPLE! Welcome to UnitedVoters.ORG.

Phase I Citizen Funding: At this time, we're accepting donations to take YOUR organization of united citizens from informational to operational.

DONATE TODAY any monthly denomination of $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $10, $20, $25, $50, $100, or any amount you can afford. How much is it worth to you to restore our government to WE THE PEOPLE?

In the history of the United States, if there ever was a time for its citizens

to STAND UP and make a difference, it's right NOW while there's still a chance!

Copyright @ UnitedVoters.ORG Restoring our government to WE THE PEOPLE. All rights reserved.

Here's what we know:

Most of our elected "representatives" are corrupted or influenced by:

​* ​their campaign special interest donors

​* their respective political parties &

* the Mainstream Media (including the bias of Big Tech Social Media corporations)

UnitedVoters.org is an organization of united citizens (voters) that will unify efforts in support of candidates, politicians (who serve We the People), and organizations that advocate for:

* ​Campaign security (Voter ID's) ... Criminal felonies for ALL incidents and systems allowing fraud

*America First policies

​*Term limits

*1st Amendment protections

​     - Big Tech (Social Media) reforms / Internet freedom

     - Support & protection for alternative media information streams

     - Protections from anti-family, anti-religion, anti-military, and anti-police policies

​     - "Educate, don't indoctrinate our children and young adults!" / Bring back patriotism in classrooms

*2nd Amendment protections

     - "... the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed!" policies

*Economic policies that recognize the evils of socialism / communism and support Free-market 

   capitalism (with regulations that encourage fairness)